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RockPods Cupping Set
Justin IP (Posted at2018-12-22 16:52:49, #24503)
Become a master fascial manipulator with RockPods! This unique set of eight silicone pods (4 large, 4 small) allow you to grab, pull and push fascia to treat pain, mobility and movement dysfunctions.

Made from medical-grade silicone and packaged in a convenient carrying case, every RockPods includes a quick-start guide.

Every RockPods comes with (4) large pods and (4) small pods, a quickstart guide and is packaged in an attractive carrying case.

• Two sizes allow for treating different target areas
• Comes with EVA carrying case
• Handles allow for manipulation of the skin
• Detailed quick start guide included

Delivery To: Surrey, England, United Kingdom
Ship By: Air
Item Price: GBP 29.99
Volume Weight: 0cm x 0cm x 0cm (0 lbs)
Actual Weight: 1 lbs
Repack Service: No
Hyper Link: https://shop.rocktape.co.uk/rockpods-cupping-set/
Tags: rocktape