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Osprey Porter 30 Travel Pack Rei
Justin IP (Posted at2018-04-28 15:59:49, #23930)
The best of all worlds—you can carry the lightweight, streamlined Osprey Porter 30 on to the airplane, and then convert it into an adventure-ready, technical backpack at your destination.

Delivery To: Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Ship By: Air
Item Price: USD 95.99
Volume Weight: 1cm x 1cm x 1cm (1 lbs)
Actual Weight: 4.45 lbs
Repack Service: No
Hyper Link: https://www.rei.com/product/112653/osprey-porter-30-travel-pack?cm_mmc=aff_AL-_-34947-_-46631-_-NA&avad=46631_b1183fd4d&CA_6C15C=120217890003891938
Tags: osprey,backpack