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TPL Ethernet Media Converter
King Shu Wong (Posted at2018-04-20 02:21:04, #23911)
TP Link Ethernet Media Converter x 2

Tripp Lite fibre cable 7m x 1

Tripp Lite fibre cable 2m x 1

For isolation of noise and preventing it from entering the hi-end network player. This method originates from an American audio enthusiast Michael who discovered marked improvement in sound quality in doing so. Audiophiles must try this.
Delivery To: Jamaica, New York, United States
Ship By: Air
Item Price: USD 139.89
Volume Weight: 1cm x 1cm x 1cm (1 lbs)
Actual Weight: 2.75 lbs
Repack Service: No
Hyper Link: https://www.amazon.com/
Tags: FMC,fibremediaconverter,hiendaudio,networkplayer,computeaudio,CAS,hifi,opticalfibre