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Genelec 8010A speaker
King Shu Wong (Posted at2018-04-17 16:45:01, #23905)
Genelec 8010A speaker x 2 (1 pair)

Made in Finland - GENELEC. The ultra famous studio monitor grade speakers manufacturer!

Now used for computer speakers or near field music monitoring.
Speaker price + freight = cheaper than buying in Hong Kong

The distributor in Hong Kong is charging ridiculous price.

Delivery To: Surrey, England, United Kingdom
Ship By: Air
Item Price: GBP 398
Volume Weight: 33cm x 33cm x 18cm (8 lbs)
Actual Weight: 10.15 lbs
Repack Service: No
Hyper Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/
Tags: Genelec,speakers,loudspeakers,computerspeakers,computeraudio,monitor,mixing,recording